Honors Program > Curriculum > Honors Senior Thesis Archives > 2017–2018 Honors Senior Theses
2017–2018 Honors Senior Theses
Main Content
- “Révolution à la Française: Women’s Rights Discourse,” Pedro Antonino
- “Elementary Engagement in American Conflicts,” Megan Boyce
- “My Home is the Lincoln Park Zoo: Learning Community through Theatre,” Peter Bucci
- “Perceiving Polyamory,” Olivia Camacho
- “The Perfect Campaign: How Women Win,” Mackenzie Carlson
- “Jazz From Hell: the Music of the Inferno,” Frankie Dobyns
- “Advancement of the Modern State through Education: Bulgarians at Robert College 1863-1912,” Paulin Draganova
- “Immortal Suicides,” Megan Kat Ellinger
- “Exploring Extended X-ray Absorption Speotroscopy and Pair Distribution Function Methods in Amorphous Semi-Conductors,” Brett Freese
- “The Color Revolutions: A Study of Democratization in Serbia and Ukraine,” Gillian Hepola
- “Frequent Long-Distance Gene Flow in the Cyanobiont of the Lichen Pseudocyphellaria Glabra,” Kirby Karpah
- “Nationalism and the Body: Family Planning in Twentieth Century India,” Madeline Krone
- “Savages to Satirical: A Look at Native American Representation in Film,” Olivia Kuhn
- “The Yellow Wallpaper,” Ella Lubienski
- “The Revelation of Populism on Investing Environments,” Ophelia Makis
- “Modeling Angular Distribution of Light Intensity,” Eleanor Marshall
- “Japanese Organizational Culture in the United States: Cultural Incompatibility, Barriers, and Shortcomings of Organizational and Human Resources Management,” Aran McDonald
- “Linguistic and Pedagogical Methodologies for Successful English Literacy Development in Native French Speakers,” Juliana Minasian
- “Pit Bull Perceptions: Marketing for Positive Change,” Cettina Nardulli
- “Shifting Paradigms of Membership: Addressing the Neoliberal ‘Crimmigration’ Crisis,” Cooper Packard
- “For the Public: The Role of Engagement in a New Media Landscape,” Brendan Pedersen
- “Collaborative Poetics: Images of Strangers and the Street,” Hannah Radeke
- “From Politics of Vision to Politics of Rage: The Crisis of Legitimacy and Authority Through SDS,” Rudy Rosenmayer
- “Exceeding the Zero-Bound: Innovative Monetary Policy in Times of Crises,” Michael Sherman
- “Specific Singular ‘They’,” Heather Slawny
- “Analysis of X-Ray Scattering Data on Amorphous and Crystalline Transparent Conductors,” Miko Stulajter
- “Relationships between Family Stress, Gender, and Body Image: Findings from an Ethnically Diverse, Low-Income Population,” Claire Trainor
- “Talk Proper,” Stasa Wade
- “Kurdistan’s Language ‘Problem’,” Lauren Walter