Honors Program > Student Life > Honors Housing

Honors Housing

Housed in the recently-renovated Ozanam Hall, the Honors Living Learning Community (LLC) offers students the chance to live on campus amongst peers in the Honors Program​. As the largest LLC at DePaul, the Honors Program prides itself on providing students with this unique residential experience.

​​Live and Learn with Honors 
Ozanam Hall
Ozanam Hall: home to the Honors Living Learning Community.

The Honors LLC serves as a home-away-from-home for dedicated, like-minded students. 

Through co-curricular planning, group outings, and special events, the Honors LLC helps students develop a strong sense of community and foster life-long friendships.

Commonly Asked Questions​

Rooms on the Honors Floor of Ozanam Hall are reserved solely for current freshmen in the University Honors Program.
No. The Honors Living Learning Community is completely optional.
While no first-year student is required to live in the Honors LLC, we do encourage all Honors students who plan to dorm on campus to seriously consider Honors Housing to take full advantage of the Program.
The Honors LLC is housed on the Lincoln Park Campus in Ozanam Hall. 

To learn more about the accommodations of Ozanam Hall, visit DePaul Housing.
No. There are no additional housing costs or residential fees for students wishing to dorm in the Honors Living Learning Community.

After you are accepted to the Honors Program, you can opt-in to live in the Honors Living Learning Community. Opting-in to the Honors LLC is a two-step process.

Step 1: In your Blue Demon Domain, complete your Housing Agreement. Do this by referring to your Next Steps Checklist and completing the 'Request On-Campus Housing and Pay Deposit' step.* 

Step 2: While still in your Blue Demon Domain, scroll down to the 'Honors Program Opportunities' section. Here, you will find the 'Living-Learning Community Opt-In Form.' Complete this form, and you will secure your place on the Honors Living Learning Community floor of Ozanam Hall. Be sure to denote that you want the Honors LLC, as there are several other LLC options listed in the Opt-In Form.

Please note: the deadline to opt-in to the Honors Living Learning Community is June 1.

For specific questions on how to opt-in to Honors Housing once you have been accepted to the Program, please email honorsprogram@depaul.edu.

*The Housing Agreement requires you to select a dormitory. We encourage you to select Ozanam Hall if you plan to live in the Honors Living Learning Community, but ultimately by completing the Living-Learning Community Opt-In Form, that overrides any dormitory selection you made in the Housing Agreement.
