Liberal Studies Program > Instructors > Proposing LSP Courses

Proposing LSP Courses

First-Year Program (FYP) Courses

Faculty interested in submitting a proposal for First-Year Program consideration should review the information and deadlines here.

Questions specific to the FYP proposal process can be sent to Michael Edwards (x51187).

Liberal Studies Courses

Faculty interested in submitting a proposal for Liberal Studies Program consideration should review the learning outcomes and writing expectations for the appropriate LSP area. Please visit the about section of the website, to learn more about the LSP Common Core and Learning Domain areas.

Proposals for the Liberal Studies Program are entered through the CIM system, which establishes a workflow based on the course's home unit and includes multiple approval steps.

Questions about the LSP proposal process can be sent to the LSP Coordinator, Reina Ashley Nomura, at or 773-325-4052.

Proposal Deadlines

  • To teach Autumn Quarter, proposals must be submitted by Feb. 1 (of the previous academic year).
  • To teach Winter Quarter, proposals must be submitted by May 1 (of the previous academic year).
  • To teach Spring Quarter, proposals must be submitted by Oct. 1 (of the same academic year).
Please review our CIM Instructions for LSP Proposals to ensure your proposal is completed in full for timely review. Area Committees reserve the right to delay the review of late proposals and consider them in a subsequent proposal cycle.

LSP Course Proposal - CIM Form