Liberal Studies Program > About > Liberal Studies Council

Liberal Studies Council

As a standing committee of the Faculty Council, the Liberal Studies Council (LSC) serves as the governing body of the Liberal Studies Program.

The LSC's composition includes faculty, proportionately represented from each of the various undergraduate colleges in the university, and four ex-officio members - the LSP Director who chairs the LSC and one representative each from Academic Affairs, the Honors Program, and Student Affairs. The LSC considers all new proposals affecting LSP curriculum and policy, which must then receive further approval from Faculty Council and Academic Affairs, before taking effect.


​College​Member​Unit​Term Ends
​Ann Sherman
​BUS​Jaejoon Woo
​Stephen Koernig
​BUS (alt.)
Chris Roberts
​BUS (alt.)
​Matthew Stern
​CDM​Brian Andrews
​Cinematic Arts
​Peter Hastings
​CDM (alt.)
​Scott Roberts
​Cinematic Arts
​CDM (alt.)
​Scott Myers
Cinematic Arts
​CMN​Kendra Knight
​Communication Studies
​CMN (alt.)
Samantha Close
Communication Studies
​CMN (alt.)
Leah Bryant
​Communication Studies
​CoEHilary Conklin
Teacher Education, Kinesiology & Education Studies
​CoE (alt.)
​CSH​Yevgenia Kashina
Megan Greeson
​CSH (alt.)
Sarah Bockting-Conrad
​CSH (alt.)
Hung-Chih Ku

​LAS​Richard Squibbs
​LAS​Valentina Tikoff
​LAS (alt.)
Antonio Ceraso
​Writing, Rhetoric, and Discourse
​LAS (alt.)
​Allison McCracken
​American Studies
​MUSKatherine Brucher
​MUS (alt.)
​SCPS​John Kimsey
​SCPS (alt.)
​TTS​Dean Corrin
​Theatre Studies
​TTS (alt.)
​Maggie Hofmann
​Costume Technology
​LSP Core

​LSP Core
​Erin Workman
​FYW Chair
​LSP Core
David Jabon
​QR Chair
​LSP Domain

​LSP Domain
​Sean Kirkland
​PI Chair
​LSP Domain
​MJ Davidson
​MC Chair
​LSP (alt.)
​Alec Brownlow
​Capstone Chair
​LSP (alt.)
​David Jabon
​QR Chair
​LSC Chair
​John Shanahan
​LSP Director
​Academic Affairs
​Caryn Chaden
​Associate Provost
​Student Affairs
​Rico Tyler
​AVP of Student Affairs
​Honors Program
​Jennifer Conary
​Honors Program Director

Liberal Studies Program Hub

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