Liberal Studies Program > About > lsp-committee-interest-form

LSP Committee Interest Form

The Liberal Studies Program office is responsible for the appointment of members to each of its advisory committees. This form serves as the mechanism that allows us to create a pool of interested and qualified candidates for service. Each LSP committee will be staffed by tenured or tenure-track faculty with experience teaching in the LSP area in question. Placement decisions for vacancies will be data-driven, based on prior teaching, and reflecting a balanced representation for those colleges who offer courses in a given LSP area.

We recommend that interested candidates express their interest only once per year, given that their submission will be retained and used as vacancies become available.

Statements of interest do not necessarily constitute an agreement or arrangement to serve.

General education at DePaul is the responsibility of faculty, and university service through LSP committees represents shared governance of the curriculum. Thank you for your interest!

If you have any questions, please contact the Liberal Studies Program office at