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Rosing Receives Award to Study Food Equity and Sustainability in Chicago Area

Equitably and sustainably sourced foods are vital to the wellbeing of all people, yet the inaccessibility of such food makes healthy living difficult for many. Multiple bus rides to grocery stores filled with processed foods and costly organic produce isolate many people from these building blocks of wellness. Furthermore, those who produce food locally and regionally are not always able to reach buyers. Howard Rosing, Director of DePaul’s Irwin W. Steans Center, researches this type of inequity as part of the center’s service-learning initiatives integrated into DePaul’s curriculum. The Cook County Department of Environment and Sustainability recently awarded him $148,943 to further his research on agricultural business practices and support growers that increase community access to fresh, healthy food in the county. The award builds on $90,000 plus in prior awards from the National Science Foundation and the Chicago Food Policy Action Council. Read more.